Canterbury 10 Mile
Christ Church University Sports Centre, Pilgrims Way, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1XS
Christ Church University Sports Centre, Pilgrims Way, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1XS
Race Information
The Furley Page Canterbury 10 Mile is a long standing race, run on quiet lanes to the south of Canterbury. It is held on an undulating course which although on road is largely traffic free and produces many PB's. The race is fully licensed by UK Athletics and organised by Invicta East Kent AC. Please Note : The course is not suitable for Wheelchair competitors. Only bone conducting headphones are allowed (conventional earphones are not allowed and users may be disqualified)
Parking :
There is no parking at the Race HQ, but limited parking is available at nearby Canterbury College & UCA which are situated on New Dover Road, CT1 3AJ. We also have available 2 car parks in North Holmes Road. The Verena Holmes Building CT1 1QB and St Gregory's Centre for Music CT1 1NT. Once parked, runners should follow the signs to the race HQ to register. Some parking is also available on surrounding roads in walking distance of the start/HQ. However, please DO NOT park in Spring Lane, Pilgrims Road or Pilgrims Way as these form part of the race route, start and finish. Parking in these streets will cause obstruction to the runners and may delay the race. Vehicles and their contents are left entirely at owner’s risk.
Race HQ :
The Race HQ at Canterbury Christ Church Sports Centre, where we will once again be using the main sports hall, which will be open from 7.15am. This is where the race registration will take place. There are also toilets, refreshments, bag drop and this is where the prize presentation will take place. The race HQ is a very short walk to the race start and finish in Spring Lane.Race.
Number and Chip Collection :
These are collected on the day, so please arrive in plenty of time & collect your running number/timing chips between 7.30am and 8.30am. This year we have introduced disposable timing chips that are attached to your number. These will be distributed in alphabetical order by surname. Signs at race HQ will indicate which queue you should be in. Please note that ID will be required. Queuing in the wrong queue will slow down the process for you & others. Race Officials will be on hand to help you.
Baggage Area :
The baggage area is located within the main hall. Bag drop tags will be attached to your race number. Please attach these to your bag (no extra large bags/hold-alls please) prior to handing over to the baggage collector and allow extra time to do this. All items are left entirely at the owner’s risk.
Facilities and Refreshments :
Toilets are situated in Christ Church Sports Hall and will be clearly signed. There will be additional toilets situated outside the hall. There are some changing areas, although you would best arrive ready changed to run. Hot and cold refreshments and snacks will be on sale outside the race HQ.
Start and Finish Area and Course:
This is situated a short walk from the race HQ in Spring Lane and will be signposted. Please arrive in this area in good time for the start of the race at 9.00am. There will be time boards to give you an indication where to stand. This is where there will be a briefing by Race Officials before the start of the race. The course is the same as 2024. When starting and finishing, make sure you run over the timing mat. Also out on the course and at the finish smile for our photographers. You will be able to download your photographs in the days following the race. There will be marshals guiding you around the course and there are 2 water stations at 3.7miles and 8 miles. We will also have medical cover if you get into any difficulties. In the finish area you will be given your great new medal and there will be water and energy bars available.
Medals and Prizes :
For 2025 there is a super new bespoke finisher medal and cash prizes plus trophies to 1st, 2nd, 3rd male/female and age group category winners (Male 40+, 50+, 60+, 70+, Female 35+, 45+, 55+, 65+). There are also prizes for male teams of 4 and female teams of 3. All competitors will be able to receive FREE photographic downloads and the link will be displayed on this site.
Results :
A link to race results will be displayed on this site and will be available after the race at